Second Republic prioritises Pfumvudza programme

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Herald Reporters
Distribution of inputs under the Climate-Proofed Presidential Inputs Programme, commonly known as Pfumvudza, is now in full swing across the country with most farmers receiving their inputs since last week.

Pfumvudza promotes conservation farming techniques and involves use of small plots on smallholder farms and applying the correct agronomic practices for higher returns.

The main distribution effort is being done this month so that all farmers have their inputs on their farms before the rains fall.

Farmers have to have undergone the training and done their land preparation before their inputs are handed over to show their commitment.

The programme aims to boost household food security and ensure Zimbabwean farmers move from subsistence towards prosperity.

Last week, President Mnangagwa described agriculture as life when addressing Zion Christian Church  Mbungo members at the launch of the Pfumvudza Presidential Input Scheme in Masvingo.

Through Pfumvudza and the Command Agriculture programme, President Mnangagwa is confident that Zimbabwe will wave good bye to food imports in two years’ time, especially considering that the country expects normal to above normal rains this season.

In Masvingo Province, the distribution of agricultural inputs to farmers under the Pfumvudza scheme started last week following the official launch of the provincial programme by President Mnangagwa at Mbungo Estates in Masvingo North constituency.

The province will have 250 000 households under Pfumvudza by next month when holing, liming and mulching is expected to be have been completed.

Provincial Agritex officer Mr Aaron Muchazivepi yesterday said distribution of inputs started following the official launch of the scheme in the province by the President. So far 141 366  farmers across the province had undergone training under the scheme.

“We are still to collate figures of households that have received inputs under the Pfumvudza scheme because distribution to beneficiaries only started after last week’s launch of the scheme by the President,” said Mr Muchazivepi.

“GMB is currently spearheading the distribution programme across the province.”

In Matabeleland South Province, farmers have started receiving inputs. Acting Provincial Agriculture Extension Services officer Mr Mkhunjulelwa Ndlovu said beneficiaries would each receive 5kg maize seed, 50kg of compound D fertiliser and 50kg of ammonium nitrate fertiliser.

“We expect to have distributed more inputs under the same programme by the end of the week. With respect to the Command Agriculture element, we are still busy with the registration of the farmers,” said Mr Ndlovu.

In Mashonaland Central, provincial agronomist Mr Bernard Torevasei said they were in the process of distributing Pfumvudza inputs. As of last week, they had distributed 111,35 tonnes of maize seed out of the 223 tonnes they received.

The province received 1 334,88 tonnes of Compound D fertiliser and 113,55 was distributed while 523,5 tonnes of

ammonium nitrate was received with 113,55 tonnes being distributed.

In Mashonaland East, distribution of inputs has started in all the nine districts following the provincial launch done recently by Minister of State for Provincial Affairs Aplonia Munzverengwi in Marondera and Murehwa.

Over 17 000 farmers have benefited from maize seed so far while 11 740 have received compound D and 1 200 have received ammonium nitrate. Mashonaland East provincial Agritex officer Mr Leonard Munamati said the biggest challenge was transport of inputs from GMB to the wards.

Over 145 000 farmers were trained and 27 542 plots for Pfumvudza were prepared. All plots prepared for the programme have already received seed and basal fertiliser.

Marondera district alone has received 105 tonnes maize seed, 270 tonnes compound D and 30 tonnes ammonium nitrate.

Said Minister Munzverengwi: “We have started to receive inputs for Pfumvudza and Command Agriculture. However, we appeal to the Government to decentralise inputs so that farmers will get inputs in time.”

In Midlands, provincial crop and livestock officer Mrs Madeline Magwenzi said farmers had started receiving inputs while other areas are expected to have theirs by end of this week.

Over 126 0000 farmers in the province have completed training under the programme.

“We received the first batch of inputs which was delivered at our provincial GMB depot in Gweru and the distribution has already begun.

“The inputs are also being ferried to faraway areas like Gokwe North and we are very confident by the end of this week they would have received their share,” she said.

Mrs Magwenzi said the province had submitted a request of inputs that cover 250 000 farmers under Pfumvudza.

“We hope everyone would have received inputs before the first rains,” she said.

In Matabeleland North, all the seven districts have been instructed to prepare for the distribution process following the launch of Pfumvudza by Provincial Affairs and Devolution Minister Richard Moyo last week.

Matabeleland North provincial Agritex officer Mr Dumisani Nyoni said districts were finalising registration of farmers who meet the requirements based on land preparation.

Nearly 7 000 people have been trained under the Pfumvudza in Kariba district, Mashonaland West Province, so far. Inputs are at GMB depots awaiting distribution to beneficiaries.

Training has been conducted in Siakobvu, Musampakaruma and Kanyati, which encompasses Makande area.

Distribution of inputs is subject to farmers demonstrating they have prepared holes in their fields.

