Midlands snubs Chamisa meeting

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Midlands Bureau

The Midlands provincial executive at the weekend reportedly snubbed Mr Nelson Chamisa, who wanted to meet it during his visit to Gweru for the burial of his uncle.

Mr Chamisa was in Gweru at the weekend to attend the burial of former Midlands Provincial Agritex officer Mr Peter Chamisa, who is his father’s brother. Sources said Mr Chamisa, who is desperate to mend growing fissures in the opposition, wanted to have a briefing with the provincial executive but only a handful turned up.

“Mr Chamisa was in the province to attend a burial of his relative so he wanted to meet structures to give a word of solidarity following reports some councillors were now reportedly defecting the MDC-T led by Dr Thokozani Khupe. He could, however, not meet the executive as most members gave excuses but the bottom line is that members are afraid that if they meet with Mr Chamisa they will face the axe from MDC-T,” said a source.

The source said the provincial structures snubbed even the burial itself with only a handful attending.

“There were only a few who attended the burial and the only notable figure was ward 11 councillor, Mr Albert Chirawu, who is a provincial member,”said a source.

Gweru mayor Mr Josaih Makombe, who is also the Midlands provincial party chairperson, however, dismissed reports they snubbed their leader including the burial of his relative.

