More boreholes for western suburbs

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Herald Reporter
The Harare West Community Development Trust is drilling at least 10 boreholes and resuscitating five others in strategic positions, in a development expected to boost availability of water in western suburbs such as Marlborough, Ashdown Park and Mabelreign.

The trust, which was formed in 2015 with the aim of spearheading developmental programmes in the community, recently shifted its focus to assisting the Government to contain the spread of the pandemic in line with the dictates of the World Health Organisation (WHO).

The development would benefit Marlborough and Mabelreign clinics which have been struggling to get tap water.

Speaking to The Herald yesterday, the Trust’s chairman Mr George Mashavave said the main thrust was to complement Government efforts in the fight against the spread of Covid-19 at community level.

He said water was essential for promoting good hygiene, and critical in preventing the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“As a trust, we decided to assist our President to contain the spread of the coronavirus, which has wreaked havoc globally,” said Mr Mashavave.

“We are drilling 10 boreholes and resuscitating five others, which have structural defects.

“We will start with strategic areas such as clinics and schools so that heath centres won’t struggle to get water. We anticipate that schools will be having a constant supply of clean water by the time they reopen.”

