Jocelyn Jacobsen (née Mauchaza) ex-wife of army commander Constantine Chiwenga, said in 2014 she found mysterious juju items in one of the couple’s houses.
Mauchaza was ejected from one of the properties owned by the estranged couple in Borrowdale Brooke and on Friday moved into an adjacent matrimonial house – where she discovered the items believed to be used for black magic or juju and are believed to be goblins that suck blood.
Unorweiko nageneral nhy vambe is this really worthy news
Yah, is this a developing story or what? It’s so sketchy and the facts are inconsistent.
Chicken shit news! Leave our General alone.
Zvimwe zvinhu ngatìtei serious. Is this load of rubbish supposed to be news in an enlightened society? Even if you hate the general…nyaraiwo. Hunhu hwenyu huripi?
[…] Ailing Chiwenga’s Goblins Sucking His Blood: Ex-Wife Jocelyn Jacobsen Reveals Mysterious Juju… […]