United Kingdom Based Tinomudaishe Chinyoka Roped In Land Fraud Case Involving Gweru Woman

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GWERU – A desperate Midlands State University Student who wanted to pay her tuition arrears duped a lecturer and sold him a non-existent stand for $10 000.

Chinyoka with late Morgan Tsvangirai

Odene Tendai Chiwara (41) of number 50 Steadman road Athlone, Gweru has been dragged to court on fraud charges after she sold a non-existent stand to Francis Mhere, an Economics lecture at the university.
The court heard that in October 2017 the accused planned to defraud Mhere so she identified a residential stand belonging to Chinyoka who is based in the UK.
Chiwara then drafted a fraudulent power of attorney in the name of Tinomudaishe Chinyoka giving her a mandate to sell the stand.
Chiwara approached Mhere and told him that she was selling a residential stand Lot 1 of lot 3 Gwelo small holding 23 measuring 8094 square meters held under deed number 83/2010.
The court also heard that the accused told Mhere that she was desperate for money to pay for her tuition fees which was outstanding.
Chiwara persuaded the complainant to buy the stand and after he agreed to buy the stand Chiwara produced a document which she said was a power of attorney. She also said that the original title deeds were with her lawyer in Harare.
On October 20, 2017 the accused and the complainant agreed on a purchase price of $10 000 and the drafted an agreement of sale they both signed.
Mhere deposited $3 000 for the stand and after sometime the complainant demanded the original title deeds and he was taken to Dzimba Jaravaza lawyer where Wellington Jaravaza drafted another detailed agreement of sale.
Upon demanding of the original title deeds the accused started giving conflicting statements. Due to conflicting statements the complainant kept pressing for original title deeds until he learnt the he had been conned.
Mhere reversed the deal and Chiwara returned $800 after failing to pay the rest. Mhere made a Police report leading to the accused’s arrest.-Mirror
