
‘We must keep gender equality issue alive’

President Mnangagwa

Farirai Machivenyika

Senior Reporter

Zimbabwe remains committed to promoting gender equality by enacting laws that protect women and establish institutions that facilitate their participation in the socio-economic sectors of the country, President Mnangagwa said yesterday.

Addressing a virtual high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the 25th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women, the President said the meeting was a reminder to world leaders of the need to constantly review global commitments with regards to the achievement of gender equality and equity.

Zimbabwe’s Constitution provides for gender equality while subsidiary legislation like the Domestic Violence Act provides protection for women.


The President also said the social economic conditions imposed by Covid-19 and natural disasters had reversed some of the achievements made towards women empowerment in developing countries. In Zimbabwe’s case this was aggravated by illegal sanctions.

“There is therefore a need for a corresponding intervention to reverse this trend for the speedy implementation of the Beijing Declaration, its platform of action and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development,” he said.

“My administration continues to enact progressive legislation which outlaws the oppression of women across the socio-economic sectors of Zimbabwe. The establishment of dedicated institutions and facilities such as the Women’s Microfinance Bank, the Women’s Fund, the Women in Mining Service Centre and the Zimbabwe Gender Commission among others have also helped in promoting women’s rights and their participation in Zimbabwe’s economy.”

Women in the small and medium enterprises sector have also benefited from the $18 billion economic stimulus package availed by Government following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Agriculture is the mainstay of our economy and women constitute a significant proportion of the sector. We therefore continue to promote women centred agro-processing and value addition initiatives in the agriculture sector with focus on women in export markets.

“The implementation of policies and programmes to improve access to education and health to women and girls are ongoing. My country has deliberately used the national budget as a tool to provide access to sanitary wear as well as sexual and reproductive health for girls in schools and women in general,” President said.

Government had prioritised the impartation of science and innovation technology skills to girls and women in the national development agenda.

“Under my leadership my administration is facilitating the participation of women in politics, leadership and decision making processes. More women have been appointed into Cabinet and other senior positions in the public sector.

“Zimbabwe remains committed to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls and looks forward to greater synergies with partners to achieve this noble objective,” the President said.

