JUST IN: The Herald continues dominance

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Wallace Ruzvidzo Herald Reporter
The Herald continues to consolidate its standing as the most read daily newspaper in Zimbabwe, according to research carried out by Fojo Media Institute headquartered in Sweden.

Fojo Media Institute has been supporting media professionalism in the country since 2007 and has been managing the Swedish Zimbabwe Media Development Programme, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency since 2012, with an overall objective to contribute to a free, professional, diversified and independent media sector.

According to the Audience Survey Summary Report carried out in conjunction with Internews and International Media Support (IMS) to establish media consumption in the country, 53 percent of the surveyed read The Herald while the next pair of News Day and Daily News were each on 22 percent.

The survey discovered that most respondents spent their money on the internet every week to access news and information as compared to buying physical hard copies.

“The Herald newspaper is quite a popular newspaper in Zimbabwe reaching 53 percent of the respondents surveyed. Daily News and News Day newspapers compete for readership with each attaining a reach of 22 percent.

“Looking at the print readership in Zimbabwe, respondents preferred using the online copies compared to the physical hard copies for both newspapers and magazines,” read the report.

Further, the report revealed that radio listenership in the country was mostly concentrated on Radio Zimbabwe which led with 35 percent followed by Star FM and Power FM with 26 percent and 25 percent respectively.

The report urged all media houses in the country to understand their audience and contribute towards a more informed population, strengthening democracy and aiding good governance as the majority of respondents were not satisfied with the news sources available to them.


