BUHERA district has lost over 5 000 cattle to the January disease which is wreaking havoc in the district, a senior government official has said.
Buhera district development co-ordinator (DCC) Freeman Mavhiza made the remarks last week during a tour of the district by Manicaland Provincial Affairs minister Ellen Gwaradzimba.
Noting that his district was vulnerable to natural disasters, Mavhiza said: “The January disease (a tick-borne disease) has claimed over 5 000 cattle, and we need to curb this disease as soon as possible.
“We also, have the Newcastle disease, but it is now under control, we cannot worry much about that.”
The DDC also said the district requires $1 million to refurbish 22 schools which were destroyed by heavy rains and strong winds which hit the country late last year. He called on the government to address the poor road network, electrification of schools and bringing potable water to the people.