Main News Zimbabwe

Govt takes climate change awareness campaign to Mash Central

Nesia Mhaka in Guruve

Government has started the second phase of Climate Change Mainstreaming District Awareness Campaign in Mashonaland Province.

Officials from Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Tourism and Hospitality Industry and other Government departments today launched the programme in Guruve. They will also go to Mbire, Muzarabani and Mt Darwin among other districts in Mashonaland Central.

The district awareness campaigns will be backed by training of vulnerable groups on climate change adaptation and the targeted will include women, people living with disabilities, youths and people living with HIV and Aids

The initiative came following the magnitude of climate change impacts and the need for Zimbabwe to ensure effective resilience of communities and socio-economic sectors.


This initiative was followed by a US$3 million-dollar grant from the Green Climate Fund, which the country received to strengthen climate change adaptation activities.