Ivan Zhakata Herald Correspondent
THE City of Harare is failing to maintain the drainage system in the city centre resulting in roads flooding during the rainy season.
Storm water drains are clogged with garbage dumped by litter bugs and council employees who sweep rubbish down the drain.
Whenever it rains, flooding causes traffic congestion and disorder in the central business district (CBD).
On Wednesday, people could be seen struggling to cross roads in the CBD and traffic congestion characterised most streets.
Harare City Council acting spokesperson Mr Innocent Ruwende attributed the blockages to vendors whom he accused of keeping their wares inside storm water drains.
“The major problem we are facing as council on the continued blocking of drainage systems is that vendors are keeping their wares, especially cardboard boxes inside the drains,” he said.
“These vendors are selling their wares on street pavements and when they finish their work, they store their cardboards and materials in drains thereby causing blockages when it rains. The cleaning and clearing of storm drains is an ongoing process and council is making sure that all the drains within the CBD and the city at large, are cleaned.”
On the issue of council street cleaners who are dumping rubbish inside the drains, Mr Ruwende said he was not aware of the matter, but council would investigate.
The flooding of the city centre whenever it rains has led to calls for council to provide adequate services to residents.