Catholic man ‘performs miracle,’ kicked out of church

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A Roman Catholic man was allegedly kicked out of church for performing miracles during church service.

The man who is now a self styled evangelist  Enos Gurure (72)  alleged that he was chased out of the Catholic church after he healed the sick.

In an interview with Gurure said from the time that he was chased out of the church up to now, he never stopped performing miracles.

The evangelist claimed he even healed the Gweru based Catholic Bishop Munyanyi who had gone blind.

“Bishop Munyanyi was diagnosed with  diabetics which resulted in   one of his eyes being completely removed. Unfortunately the  remaining eyes also lost vision. The sprit of God told me to go to Father Pasi (formerly based in Mkoba) and ask him how the Bishop was feeling since i was denied entry into the church. Father Pasi told me that the Bishop was not well and that he had lost his sight. I told Father Pasi to hold my hands and that he would feel the spirit in him after we prayed together,” said evangelist Gurure.

He said after they both prayed Father Pasi felt a new dimension of power he had never felt before.

“I then instructed him to go and pray for the Bishop, but he refused saying its unorthodoxy in the Catholic doctrines. I then asked for the house number of the Bishop and walked to Kopje where he resided,” he said.

The evangelist said when he arrived he told the Bishop that he had came to pray for him.

He said Bishop Munyanye agreed and said they however had to do so in the chapel.

“While in the Chapel I asked him to hold my hands and we prayed. Soon after I asked him how he felt but he was filled with awe and could not answer. He however regained consciousness  after a while and he testified that he had been healed and could now see,”  said Gurure.

The evangelist who has became famous in the city of progress healing the sick had however no kind word for the Catholic doctrines.

He described their ways as ungodly.

“Jesus said the people who believe in His name will perform mighty works. They shall heal the sick, even if they get poisoned they should not die why then should the doctrine deny people of their salvation,” he said.-Zimnews
