Iconic actress Pretty Xaba who has been battling with cancer has died. She died at 4.30 pm yesterday afternoon. She was 49.
Xaba died in India where she had been taken for specialist treatment last month.
Her death will bring sorrow to a nation that had hoped for her recovery after a series of fundraising events to finance her travel to India for treatment.
Her friend Taona Mafundikwa who was part of the fundraising committee said he was devastated by Xaba’s death. He said Xaba had been scheduled for the last chemotherapy session last week but she suddenly deteriorated and doctors had to do a minor operation on her.
On Friday, Mafundikwa said Xaba had to be put on life support until she died yesterday.
“It is really a sad loss to everybody. Everyone has their way of going one day but it is sad that this is the way she had to go. She was a great person, an icon and a great person,” he said.
“I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone who participated in the Save Pretty Campaign. I know we all would have loved to have a different result but this is how it has turned out.”
Mafundikwa said burial arrangements were yet to be announced as they were waiting to hear from Xaba’s family. He said Xaba’s friends would also meet to decide what assistance they would give.
Xaba is best known for her roles on local television productions including Studio 263 where she played Mai Muvengwa.
She also did several voice overs and awareness campaigns.