Chioniso Mashakada, Sports Reporter
National Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation spokesperson Quiet Shangai says the federation have cancelled two shows meant for this year because of Covid 19.
Muscle and Fitness Gweru was supposed to take place on the 9th of May 2020 while Marume Classic was scheduled for the 8th of August.
It takes 12-16 weeks depending with one’s bodytype, stage experience and last time one competed for an athlete to prepare for a bodybuilding competition . In the event that one has not been training, the weeks may be 30 or more.
“We would have loved to postpone Muscle and Fitness Gweru by a month or two but we don’t have time because gyms are closed.
“With regards to Marume Classic we are also behind schedule in as far as training by athletes is concerned. We therefore have no choice but to cancel the 2020 edition.
“The Federation will advise stakeholders with regards to the Nationals and Harare Classic before 15 July 2020.
” Harare Classic was supposed to take place on the 6th of June but was postponed. The Nationals were penciled for the last Saturday of September but it’s no longer posible. A statement will be issued regarding whether to cancel or to postpone both the 2020 Nationals and Harare Classic.” he said.