Bashed cheater vows revenge

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Arron Nyamayaro, H-Metro Reporter

A married truck driver trapped and bashed by his friend and associates claims he lost money and goods to gain freedom  on Saturday.

Agrippa Boat Nyangumbe sustained head injuries, forced to surrender his car battery and $800 after he was trapped through text messages that he was bedding his friend Costine Magurira’s wife Lindiwe Dick.

Nyangumbe who resides in Epworth and friend of Magurira confirmed bedding Dick dismissing the said trap accusing the couple of extorting him money.


“Magurira discovered love messages between me and his wife in her mobile phone since we have been seeing each other for some time,” said Nyangumbe.

“Dick agreed with her husband to extort me money after he discovered our several sex sessions in his matrimonial bedroom through the text messages.

“My affair with Dick started after she approached me over buying meat for her at rural areas since she is a food vendor.

“I brought meat for her several times and we ended up having sex in her room to cover payment and Magurira knew that I was eating free sadza to cover payment of meat I bought for his wife.

Costine Magurira

“Ndakatanga ndichidya sadza remuhara kusvikira tavakudanana saka ma messages akazobatwa ekutendwa akarwadza shamwari yangu.

“Hakuna trap yakadaro mukadzi akaronga kundibira mari pamwe chete nemurume wake.

“I was severely assaulted by Lindiwe’s two brothers while Magurira watched and Dick disguised by slapping me after my wife was called to the scene,” said Nyangumbe.

Nyangumbe vowed to retaliate by unspecified action in a way to recover his lost car battery and cash.

“I am still to lodge a police report against people who assaulted me but what I know is that I am going to spend more than what I lost in a way to retaliate and recover what they forcefully took from me,” said Nyangumbe.

“They detained me over night and the messages they saw in Dick’s mobile phone are testimonies for my love affair with her not what she wanted her neighbours to believe,” said Nyangumbe.


