Arron Nyamayaro, H-Metro Reporter
A BLESS It Up Motors bus supervisor clashed with City Council and City Parking officers over parking their bus at an undesignated point to ferry school children near Eastgate yesterday.
The unidentified supervisor parked his Nissan Sunny vehicle registration (AAC 2124) at a perpendicular parking bay along Speke Avenue without paying and was given a ticket by a City Park official.
The Bless It Up Motors bus was parked on the road blocking perpendicular parking bays picking up St Patrick’s High School children when a City of Harare officer confronted the supervisor for payment.
“If our bus is parked at undesignated place just issue a ticket so that we would pay not asking money from me. Urikuida yei mari,” the supervisor was heard shouting on top of his voice presumably to alert others about his stance to refuse paying a bribe.
“Urikuda mari yei nayo ndipe ticket sezvaitwa newe City Park uyo chete kwete zvekuti urikuda mari urikuda mari,” he said drawing attention of pedestrians and parents who were helping their children to load their luggage.
Bless It Up Motors were charging parents US$10 to transport the children to their school at Nyanyadzi in Mutare.
Contacted for comment over charging transport in United States dollars, bus operator Absolom Muyambiri said the fare was agreed by the parents.
“When operating in our daily routes we do not charge in foreign currency but our buses were hired by the school and the parents agreed with school authorities over the fare,” said Muyambiri.